Bruce Price writes, The first schools, the first great universities, were focused on knowledge: figuring out what it is, collecting and verifying it, and passing it on from teachers to students.

Our K-12 schools have drifted far away from this ideal.  Knowledge itself is disparaged.  The transmission of knowledge is sneered at.  These shifts are huge and destructive, and they are by design.

Consider what any real school looks like: judo schools, medical schools, language schools, flight schools, bartending schools, flower-arranging schools.  All possess a body of knowledge they strive to give to the next generation.

That's not what our public schools are focused on now.

It used to be well understood that the human race is divided into uneducated people (they don't know anything) and educated people (they know lots of information).  Creating educated people takes work, by the school and the student.  K-12 no longer believes in the importance of that work.

Direct download: Bruce_D_Price__04.Apr.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:56pm EST

March came in like lion and it went out like a lamb as the saying goes. Virtually every market, everywhere saw positive increases, the exceptions being Uranium and BitCoin. Stocks were up, especially resource and emerging market shares. Metals were up and so were energy prices. We are truly living in the best of all possible worlds!

Direct download: Mickey_Fulp_04.Apr.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:27pm EST

Two major leaked stories came out over the weekend, with another one right on their heels. First there was a telephone conversation transcript with to high level IMF officials discussing the right way to handle Greece and keep the EU together, mainly a credit event. Who would have thought such a thing possible? Then a major Panamanian law firm--Mossack-Fonseca--who's client roster looks like a who's who of billionaires, oligopolists and other ne'er do wells had 2.6 terabytes of data released to the public. The initial fallout implicates Vladimir Putin and the Prime Minister of Iceland as having hidden foreign bank accounts. Stay tuned, there's lots more to follow. Putin who knows where all the bodies are buried and will be buried is certainly going to retaliate as we enter the true Info Wars. 

Finally, there's a former lawyer who wants to release the late DC Madam's Black book. He claims that the information contained therein could change the course of the election. Is he right? John thinks we will find out very shortly.



Direct download: John_Rubino_4.Apr.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:47pm EST






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