Eric Hadik of joined us today. While he's entitled to take a victory lap for forecasting in 2014 that 2016 would be gold's year. He also called the decline in the stock market that we're now seeing. Eric shares his views on a number of topics and makes some bold statements about the future of oil prices. Of all the people interviewed on the show, Eric's forecasts appear to have been most prescient. 

Direct download: Eric_Hadik_10.Feb.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:15pm EDT

Wayne Allyn Root joined us to discuss the Trump victory and the Clinton defeat. Wayne is hoping that Bernie Sanders will never be allowed to be the Democratic candidate. He's so way out that the leaders will not allow him to be the nominee. That would insure Trump's election. After his victory last night, he becomes the frontrunner and likely candidate. 

Direct download: Wayne_Allyn_Root_10.Feb.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:11pm EDT

According to recent research, by 2020, more than 40 per cent of the US workforce will be made up of contingent or freelance workers. Maria Matarelli is one step ahead of the trend. Several years ago she gave up her cubicle and her apartment and started traveling the world, going wherever her freelance assignments took her. She hasn't looked back. While she might not do it for the rest of her life, she's quite content traveling to numerous gigs around the globe. Right now it's working great and that's all that matters. 

Direct download: Maria_Matarelli_10.Feb.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:36pm EDT

Wipeout Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman:

As Andy has been predicting for months, Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen has started doing the inevitable, walking back on future rate hikes. Right now she's talking about slowing the rate hikes down, but as Andy has said many times before, she will soon have little choice but to start cutting rates and begin yet another round of Quantitative Easing. She's running out of choices and she has limited alternatives. What will be the effect on gold and precious metals and will The Powers That Be lose control of the markets?

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_10.Feb.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30pm EDT






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