We had our bi-weekly chat today. We touched on the manner in which bankers have taken over the government, around the globe. People's patience for this state of affairs is quickly running out. Noemi Prince has been making a lot of waves on this exact topic. Then we discussed the closely allied area of stock buy-backs and the corrosive effect it's having on corporations and the country. Fortunately this trend is rapidly ending, with the collapse of corporate sales and earnings. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_17.Nov.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:42pm EDT

Do you feel stuck? Do you feel trapped? Do you dream of wanting to experience the occupational fulfillment you know you are destined for? It sounds like you could be Caught Between a Dream and a Job!

87 percent of Americans Dislike Their Job, But Most Don't Know The Way Out 

Freedom is a wonderful feeling; it’s the underlying desire of most people, both adults and children. Finally, Help has arrived for Anyone Feeling Trapped and Ready to Break Free from "Job Living" and Move to "Dream Living."

Direct download: Delatorro_McNeal_17.Nov.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:12pm EDT

Becoming a millionaire isn’t an accident. It takes business owners decades to accomplish this rare feat. Many people look at these successful individuals and assume they must be lucky or born into wealth. But in reality, this is usually far from the truth. Becoming a millionaire takes work, focus and productive habits.

 Studying and emulating the behaviors of millionaire entrepreneurs can help you develop discipline and the habits that catapult entrepreneurs to the next level.

 Mindset and Business Coach Raul Villacis uses “The Next Level Experience” uses his expertise to elaborate on the many behaviors of millionaire entrepreneurs and how these traits lead to success.

Direct download: Raul_Villacis_17.Nov.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:09pm EDT






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