Chris is about to release a new book entitled Prosper. It covers many techniques and ways for you to succeed in the new economy. Prepping isn't a recipe for success in the New Economy. It's necessary and can enable you to survive, but it's not enough. That's where Chris explains his strategy for helping you Prosper and live well. Well worth the read!

Direct download: Chris_Martenson_02.Nov.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:20pm EST

Greg Writer is incredibly upbeat about the prospects for new entrepreneurs in America. With new SEC rule changes that will make crowdsource funding and promotion of companies looking for investors, Greg sees blue skies ahead for entrepreneurs looking to raise capital. Angel Investor's Network is modeled after the hit show Sharktank. With his growing network of investors, more companies will be able to find financing faster and hit the big time like Greg's great hit Go-Video. 

Direct download: Angel_investors_Network_31.Oct.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:33pm EST

We caught up with Dave Drummond in New Orleans. As more Americans and other expatriate, they're finding Belize a welcoming place. From highly solvent banks, to extremely favorable asset protection laws, to highly protected bank secrecy, Belize has it all. Not to mention a very favorable climate, great diving and English-speaking natives. Dave is bullish on Belize. 

Direct download: Dave_Drummond_NOLA_31.Oct.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30pm EST

Nicholas Green has been a fiduciary advisor since 2003 and an experienced value investor. He focuses on preserving and building the wealth of his clients, protecting them against the injustices of Wall Street. Nicholas doesn’t represent companies or banks — he represents his clients. When he is not working with his clients to help them accomplish their financial goals, he is constantly focused on developing their portfolios.

Prior to founding FMT Investment Advisory, Nicholas served as the Chief Investment Officer of Federal Street Inc., through which he gained vast real-life experience and developed his skill and wisdom as an investor.

Direct download: Nicholas_Green_02.Nov.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:10pm EST

John writes, "It’s understandable (sort of) that the Fed wants to raise short-term interest rates so it can cut them again in the next downturn. But what if the next downturn is already here? That’s the signal being sent by the world’s other central banks." Central Banks around the globe are loosening the monetary strings or pursuing their own variety of QE. How can the Fed possibly tighten when the end result will likely be a stronger dollar and decreased exports? 

Direct download: John_Rubino_02.Nov.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:42am EST






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