Mon, 19 October 2015
Bruce Deitrick Price says, "The traditional view is simply stated: the purpose of public education is to take each child as far as each child can be taken. Who can disagree with that? If a school is aiming for less, that school would seem to me to be guilty of malpractice or false advertising. Doesn’t the word “education” imply a striving for excellence? At the end of each school year, children are presumed to know more than at the start. Isn’t that a reasonable presumption? Somewhat bizarrely, given what’s going on in our public schools, the Education Establishment might claim they agree.Oh yes, of course, that’s exactly what we want to do.
But that’s not what they have been doing for a long time."
Mon, 19 October 2015
In his daily radio show “The Mentor Show” Coach Ron Tunick interviews movers and shakers in businesses nationwide, many of whom are motivational speakers themselves. His give and take style of motivational speaking has been honed by over 30 years as a successful businessman and years of interviews with top business leaders. In his keynote and motivational speeches Coach talks about: – The need to create a ‘Thinking Room’ both internally and externally Coach Tunick will show you how to turn your fears into winning, being more successful in life and business, and making more money.
Mon, 19 October 2015
Corporate profits are coming in awful this quarter. From Walmart to Morgan Stanley to many others, the bloom is off the rose. McDonalds is doing terribly, with many franchisees underwater. How much longer can the stock market hold out? If it follows the Martin Armstrong prognosis, then it's going much higher as capital from around the world seeks safer havens. If not, the market will go down with the earnings ship.