In his latest installment of judging former presidents, Ivan writes, "Two former presidents have recently been in the news for unfavorable reasons. Recent DNA testing showed that Republican Warren Harding, already believed to have had an extra-marital affair with at least one mistress, likely had a love child with another, perhaps confirming the second one's tell-all book about their affair written in the 1920s after Harding had died in office. Another former president, Democrat Jimmy Carter, announced that he had cancer. What do these seemingly unrelated chief executives--in both time, party, and temperament--have in common? They were both significantly better presidents than the historical reputations they have been given.

In fact, these presidents may have been better than they themselves believed. Warren Harding famously admitted that he was unfit for the role of chief executive. In Jimmy Carter's case, he has done little to try to improve the historical memory of his time in office, instead concentrating on many noteworthy humanitarian accomplishments during his post-presidency--perhaps an admission that things didn't go so well while he was in the White House. These two men were too hard on themselves."

Direct download: Ivan_Eland_25.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:48pm EST

Danielle joined us today. She's certainly not surprised by the current market action and in fact believes that the sooner they come back down to earth, the better off we'll all be. Enough fraud already, let's see honest valuations and a de-emphasis of the financial sector that seems to be feeding off of our collective misery. But, Danielle is truly optimistic about a future that will amaze us all. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_25.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:29pm EST

We caught up with Doug Casey enjoying the summer at his Aspen Haunt. With all the turmoil going on in the markets the past week, he's still seeing the same economic and societal trends taking place, except they're probably accelerating. He believes that Donald Trump is going to be our next president, but so what? Government truly is the problem and their solutions just create more and more problems. So what's a citizen to do? 

Direct download: Doug_Casey_25.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:46pm EST

Jeff Berwick of joined us to discuss the Shemitah Year that is unfolding before us now. Under Jewish Tradition, every 7th year is a Shemitah year. And every 7th Shemitah is a Jubilee Year. There are so many events unfolding that it's hard to keep track of them. From Jade Helm, to the UN's 70th Anniversary, to the Papal Visit and the world-wide stock market decline, things are starting to heat up. 

Direct download: Jeff_Berwick_24.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:51pm EST






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