Wed, 19 August 2015
Noted author Stephen Halbrook joins us to discuss gun control during the Third Reich. During Hitler's rise, gun control became a major priority. Proposed as a means of protecting the populace, it soon became clear that gun control was a method of disarming Jews and other disfavored groups. This paved the way for The Final Solution and the rest is history. We explore modern parallels in America and elsewhere.
Wed, 19 August 2015
Gerard Lameiro came back on with us today. Seems like he too has caught Trump Fever. He sees 2016 as a truly pivotal election that will change the parties as well as the country. Such elections have occurred in the past, such as the election of 1896, which brought us a century of progressivism. Whether the Donald wins or not, the system will be forever altered.
Wed, 19 August 2015
Christopher Markowski, America’s Watchdog on Wall Street uses his expertise to dissect the fraudulent companies and can elaborate on the ways to get the most credulous information from top-notch financial institutions.
Time and time again we have seen Wall Street companies being ousted for their fraudulent business practices. Just recently five Wall Street banks were charged with a $5 billion dollar fine for rate rigging. How is this supposed to make the average consumer feel? Who is really helping and who is just out to steal?
It seems as if every financial company is secretly out to get the consumer making it more important than ever to find a company with your best interests in mind.
Wed, 19 August 2015
What's Imploding Now with Andrew Hoffman: China devaluation - ramifications of all kinds (crashing commodities, currencies, Dong devaluation today)
Greece "bailout" terms - GrExit more guaranteed than ever
Today's article, on incredible St. Louis Fed "white paper" saying QE is a failure!
FOMC minutes - raise rates? LOL
Massive physical silver shortages developing, which I have been writing of ad nauseum
And more...