When I first started interviewing Bob Hoye over 3 years ago, he made the point that a credit boom bust is always good for the reserve currency. Now almost according to script, the Dollar is booming and most other currencies are going bust. He also stated that the purchasing power of gold and silver will increase, regardless of their nominal prices. Another great call that we're seeing now. What's next? Hopefully a New Bull Market in Common Sense will prevail. 

Direct download: Bob_Hoye_18.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:23pm EST

Robert Bakke is a jet pilot, a black belt and a NASCAR Driver. He is also a self-published author who beat the odds by becoming an Amazon #1 best-selling author, so when he says it’s time Americans get real about opportunity, ambition and wealth, you may want to listen. 


“Our current political leaders are fueling ‘class warfare’ to divisive levels and its killing America’s ambition.  We’ve got to get this corrected if America’s economy is ever going to return to prosperity,” says Bakke, who continues, “People are being brainwashed into thinking that wealth and those who have acquired it have done something unfair. It’s ridiculous. America is bursting with opportunity for those who have the guts to take a risk and the ambition to make their dreams, real.”



According to Bakke, people also need to dismiss the religious miss-teachings about money. “Many of the most significant figures in the Bible were the wealthiest men on earth. It’s time people learn the truth about money, wealth and making dreams come true if we’re going to return America to greatness. It’s time to replace political correctness and class warfare, with ambition and success.” Bakke went on to explain how a nation is “never to borrow, but only lend.” A staggering revelation as America’s debt is headed for 20-trillion dollars.


Direct download: Robert_Bakke_18.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:11pm EST

Former Congressman John LeBoutllier joined us today for a talk about the current state of the presidential election. He believes that Hillary is finished, it's all over except the crying. The Obama Admin has totally done her in, for reasons of their own. The only question is when will she throw in the towelAnd Donald Trump continues destroying the status quo candidates, but will he be able to go over 25%?

Direct download: John_LeBoutlier_18.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:10pm EST






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