Mon, 3 August 2015
Geoff Shepard reveals never-before-seen Watergate materials exposing the complete breakdown of the legal system
Shocking violations of ethical and legal standards colored the proceedings of the Watergate trial. Watergate’s judges and prosecutors were supposed to be unbiased mediators and protectors of the Constitution. Instead they were highly partisan Democrats who criminalized politics and went after Nixon “at all costs.” Carl Bernstein famously said of the Watergate trial: “The system worked.” New discoveries by Geoff Shepard, once the youngest lawyer of Nixon’s defense team, show how the prosecutors abused the system to rig the outcome.
Mon, 3 August 2015
July was an extremely volatile month for Energy, Metals and everything else but the US Stock Markets. We all know about the hit precious metals tooks, especially gold and silver. WIT was down even more. Bitcoin has been up 10 percent for two months in a row. Copper was killed falling to levels not seen in years. There's no reason to panic, but remain cautious and ready for opportunities that may rapidly emerge. Mickey doesn't see another 2009 Crash happening, but prices have gone down considerably, with WTI breaking $50 per barrel. The Shanghai Correction has investors acting very scared. If it continues, then we'll have to change our assessment.
Mon, 3 August 2015
Bo Polny was back explaining why the recent lows in precious metals will have no affect upon the longer trend which is determinedly headed higher. The stock market and the dollar will eventually tell the story of gold and silver. Bo says there's a very important shorting point coming up later this year. So in conclusion, don't lose hope, gold and silver are headed much higher. The low appears to be in and now it's just sit back and wait for higher prices.