Keith Neumeyer has created two billion dollar mining companies, First Quantum and First Majestic. Now in the depths of the mining depression he's looking to start another, First Mining Finance. Keith believes that the sector has to recover at some point because of the growth picture in other parts of the world. Presently there's no shortage of opportunities and the key is sticking to the discipline and making sound investments in good jurisdictions with good ore quality. Then it's just a matter of sitting back and waiting and letting the market prove Keith right yet again. 

Direct download: Keith_Neumeyer_23.Jun.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:41pm EST

According to independent analyst Steve Rocco gold and silver mining is all about the return on energy invested. And he's got the charts to back it up. That's why in the long run the US and the world economies are headed for low growth and the precious metals can't help but go up. Ore grades and the difficulties involved with extraction as well as energy prices are headed up and so is demand, which means higher prices. Most producers are currently selling at a loss, so what other outcome can there be? 

Direct download: Steve_Rocco_23.Jun.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:23pm EST

Kip is an entrepreneur's entrepreneur. Throughout his lengthy career he's suffered a number of bouts of entrepreneur burnout. The best way to avoid is to plan for it in advance. Understand that it's inevitable and then if you plan for it, you can avoid it. Plan those trips and family getaways and you'll never suffer the effects for too long. Most important keep finding new challenges and you'll never get too burned out. 

Direct download: Kip_Marlow_23.Jun.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:16am EST






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