Marin Katusa now has his own website where he shares his thoughts and research about the resource sector. Marin has been extremely successful investor. We discussed where we are in the cycle and what an investor needs to do to pick the winners in this depressed sector. The last time Marin and I spoke, he called the coming downturn. He thinks it's going to continue for a while but there's hope. As long as able managers such as Keith Neumeyer stick around, there's potential for large gains ahead. 





*contains sponsored material






Direct download: Marin_Katusa_17.Jun.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:47pm EST

Dogs don't sweat, they pant. Governor Romney put his dog on top of his car to cool it off. The economy must be improving if Trump is willing to make the financial disclosures required to run for president. Trump's idea of buying 2200 miles of the Great Wall of China and bring to the Southern Border is a stunning idea. And Trump is helping the economy by buying American hair pieces. 

Direct download: Lowell_Ponte_17.Jun.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:04pm EST

Jason K. Roberts is still bullish on the Florida Real Estate Market. Among the major reasons is that the market is not reliant on the job market. Many of the FL home buyers are retireees and therefore not looking for employment. Therefore, the buying season doesn't revolve around the school year like other states. Jason also talks about why many people fail in real estate investing. The reasons may surprise you. 

Direct download: Jason_Stevens_17.Jun.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:17pm EST

Where's It Going Wednesday With Andrew Hoffman:

1.  Greece imminent default/grexit, and ramifications


2.  Fed meeting irrelevance, as markets (commodities, currencies, bonds) starting to swamp their manipulations (even European stocks)

                -only "last to go" markets like Dow and gold/silver still left to lose


3.  Collapsing mining industry, per article yesterday


4.  Unprecedented stock bubbles the world round, with worst economy of our lifetimes


5.  CRB index on verge of breaking 2008 spike bottom lows!


Look out Below!

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_17.Jun.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:06am EST






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