Tue, 9 June 2015
Former Congressman John LeBoutillier joined us. He is absolutely convinced that Hillary Clinton is not going to be the Democratic Party's nominee and will not be president. It's all because the Obama Admin doesn't want Bill Clinton anywhere near the White House ever again. They don't care about Hillary, but they despise Bill and if it means that the Dems lose the ultimate prize, then that's okay. Who will be the Democratic nominee? John thinks that Martin O'Malley is going to come out of nowhere and take the prize.
Tue, 9 June 2015
The body count is starting to mount on Wall Street. Both co-ceo's of Deutsche Bank were unceremoniously dumped. Massive layoffs to follow there and HSBC and elsewhere. Massive manipulation of gold and the stock market? The Dow Transports have had a major divergence. Dave writes, "I’ve never seen so many sophisticated Wall Street’ers this scared in my entire career. – This comment comes from a very well-connected Wall Street/DC insider and is in reference to how illiquid the bond markets have become." "Something deep and dark has transpired behind the Orwellian “curtain” used by the elitists to hide the inner workings of the financial markets, especially with regard to big bank balance sheets and OTC derivatives. What’s happening right now reminds of the movie “Jurassic Park.” You can hear and feel the monster coming but you can’t see it yet and you don’t know it will pop up in your face or how big it is."
Tue, 9 June 2015
Wayne Allyn Root joined us today, blasting the latest economic numbers issued by DC. Wayne says they show that all the new jobs are going to illegal aliens and that the economic is still in the dumps. 1st Quarter GDP has been down for all 7 years of the Obama Admin and there's no hope of things getting better. Obamacare has been a total damper on the economy, which is the way he wants it. He also says that Hillary will not be the nominee which is what he has been saying for a long time. Things are starting to get interesting.
Tue, 9 June 2015
Bill talks about the college graduation season 2015. Unfortunately the economic model that college was based upon is no longer relevant. The economic pie has been shrinking. This means that the municipal pensions won't be funded and the workers who have been counting upon the payout for their retirement are going to be sorely disappointed. There's a great wake-up call coming in America. Things have changed greatly since 2008, but we've allowed the system to continue unchanged and we'll be paying the price for decades to come.