John Gaver is Editor & Publisher of the popular webzine, ActionAmerica(, which he describes as an "original intent conservative" publication. He and his articles have been cited in the national media and a number of his articles have been widely distributed in financial and political newsletters. In "The Rich Don't Pay Tax ...Or Do They?" John Gaver undertakes a critical look at official IRS personal income tax collections data, to determine who really does or does not pay US personal income tax and what portion of the tax load each income group pays. He goes on to examine how fair or unfair that outcome may be. Then, in a step-by-step manner, he shows how this disparity in our tax system has created an unintended consequence that is quietly, but very seriously undermining our economy and now presents a critical threat for rich and poor, alike. His conclusion is that the only logical choice is the Fair Tax. 

Direct download: John_Gaver_27.Apr.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:57pm EDT

John wrote this week about the war on cash. As usual FSN is ahead of the curve. We wrote last March about Operation Dirty Money, the US Government's ongoing effort to eliminate currency from circulation. Now in the era of negative interest rates, this effort has become a war. JP Morgan Chase amended their safe deposit box rental agreement to forbid storage of currency and non-collectible coins, in other words bullion from their customers' safe deposit boxes. A Swiss bank just refused a pension fund's request to convert its bank account into cold cash. What's next, debit cards for all? We'll soon know when the Powers That Be make that decision for us. Of course it's all for our own good. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_4-27-15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:36pm EDT

Jordan Eliseo is the Chief Economist for ABC Bullion out of Australia. For those not in the know, they're a large vertically integrated precious metal and gold bullion specialist. Jordan and I discussed what's going on in the International Economy, particularly China and Australia. It seems that the wave of financialization has hit the shores of the Land Down Under too. Just as in the US, the Aussies have been struck by the phenomena of too big to fail. And their reaction has been similar. Now their economy has been tanking with the decline in commodities, whereas for much of the financial crisis they appeared to be riding high. Jordan believes, as do many, that gold will again rightfully assert its role in the international monetary system. It's virtually unavoidable. 

Direct download: Jordan_Eleseo4-24-15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:57am EDT






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