Wed, 18 March 2015
Tres Knipa has been trading commodities for many years. He believes that shorting the Yen and Japanese Government Bonds is the trade of a lifetime. He sees the current Ponzi economy unwinding as we speak. The Yen and all other currencies have been declining against the Greenback. Pretty soon the Yuan peg will be history. There's more turmoil down the pike. Be prepared and be poised to profit from it. And owning some precious metals isn't a bad idea either.
Wed, 18 March 2015
Tom Cloud sees the supply situation for gold and silver tightening. Forget about the supplies for colored diamonds, they're practically non-existent in the West. Seems that wealth just keeps moving from West to East and nothing can change this cycle of events. But there's a lot more that's going to happen soon. Are the Blacks Swans circling?
Wed, 18 March 2015
What Won't They Try Wednesday:
Collapsing global economy -IMF reduced global GDP forecast, World Bank warned of global jobs crisis -China, worst GDP growth since 2008, worst capex growth since 2001, negative yoy electricity outpout -Japan, all economic data dramatically revised downward last week, Abenomics to end in April with Japanese economy/inflation (i.e., the "Misery Index") at multi-decade lows- -Europe - QE set to start next month and NIRP expanding to the point it may catalyze bank runs (i.e., backdoor bail-ins) - Article - "WE ARE AT THE LOWER BOUND"
Secession - - 1.8 million Catalonians rallied Friday for secession, 25% of Spanish tax revnues -Majority of Venetians favor secession, 10% of Italian GDP -Scotland 50% odds of "yes" vote Wednesday, would destabilize all of Europe (and Scotland would own 90% of North Sea oil revenues) Articles: "SECESSIONIST MOVEMENTS GAINING MOMENTUM"; "WEST TO EAST, GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE"; "COMMODITY CRASH"
-"Strengthening dollar" fallacy, as emerging market - and ALL - currencies plummeting, per the expansion of the "FINAL CURRENCY WAR" circa 2011-12 that keeps gaining momentum. Articles: "THE LOWEST INFLATION IN FIVE YEARS"; "THE SINGLE MOST PRECIOUS METALS BULLISH FACTOR"; "IF A NUCLEAR BOMB DESTROYED EUROPE…" (publishing today)
-COMEX manipulation, as silver open interest explodes despite plunging prices - Harvey Organ believes Chinese no longer able to source metal, end is nigh
-Russian sanctions, upcoming blowback (especially with Ruble at all-time low)
-FOMC meeting Wednesday, ECB TLTRO uptake announcement Wednesday, Scottish vote Thursday
Wed, 18 March 2015
Sean Caranna of Executive Director of Florida Carry, Inc. joined us today for a discussion of the state of gun control in Florida. Contrary to what most people believe, even though Florida is a "shall-issue" state, open carry of hand guns is prohibited. It some other quirky regulations designed to trip up law abiding firearms owners that Sean is working hard to have overturned by the courts. Still compared to New York, Florida is a haven for Second Amendment adherents. But there's still more to be done