Pam Oakes was back talking about the best 3-5 year old used car you can buy. Surprisingly it's not the Toyota Camry. Also, we discussed those extended warranties. There's a lot of ins and out and loopholes. You've got to educate yourself about them and learn when and where to buy them. And how often do you really need to change your oil. The answer will surprise you. 

Direct download: Pam_Oakes_27.Oct.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:19pm EST

John Rubino is amazed how easy it has become for the Fed to have it's way with the markets. They just have to lift their pinky and the markets respond in spades. How did it get this way and how long will it stay? Once upon a time the markets' primary purpose was price discovery and allocation of capital. No more, now they're more a billboard for the government to manage expectations and to demonstrate to the sheeple that all is well, but is it? 

Direct download: John_Rubino_27.Oct.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:16pm EST

Manipulation Mondays with Andrew Hoffman:

FOMC meeting Wednesday, "end of QE" expected.

                - today, supposedly last POMO operation - following 933 in the past eight years, at the 10:00 am EST "key atack time"

                - maniacal PPT ops the past two weeks, to "stabilize" markets ahead of this meeting, including six Fed governors hinting at or calling for QE extension after last Wednesday's liquidity vaccuum

                - Fed will still be as dovish as imaginable, but won't have to delay ending overt QE so long as markets don't crash               

                                -ARTICLE" - "manipulation, jawboning, and prayer"


Of course, OTHER markets are crashing worldwide, particularly in Europe

                -last week's PIIGS bond crash has somewhat stabilized, but European stocks - big markets like Germany included - have decoupled with the U.S. PPT efforts, continuing to plunge despite QE commencement

                -most yields, Treasuries included, continue to crash

                                -Fed desperately attempting to prevent bond yields crashing, especially ahead of FOMC meeting

                                -ARTICLE - "the most damning proof yet of QE failure"

                                -ARTICLE - "2.2% is the new 2.6%" - spinoff of earlier article, "2.6% - Nuff' Said"

                -dollar/euro has stabilized, but rest of the world's currencies crashing

                                -rupiah, real, yen, ruble, etc.

                                -ARTICLE - "the single most precious Metal bullish factor imaginable"

                -oil collapsing, under $80 this morning - and this, after Saudi's pathetic 300,000 bbl/d oil cut announcement Thursday

                                -ARTICLE - "collapsing oil prices portend unspeakable horrors"


Plunging U.S. economic activity

                -even rigged PMI indices falling

                -retail demand collapse - WMT, NFLX, EBAY, and disasters like Sears

                -death of American icons, due to collapsing demand, surging dollar, and competition - WMT, IBM, MCD, KO

                                -ARTICLE - "changing of the guard"


Surging physical demand worldwide

                -incredible Chinese gold demand numbers in recent weeks, well above global mining supply

                -surging Indian gold demand, silver imports on pace to match last year's record level

                -both U.S. Mint and Royal Canadian Mint on pace to match and/or exceed last year's record Silver Eagle sales

                -GOFO rates in backwardation

                -massive gold withdrawals from COMEX, GLD

                -per "Miles Franklin Silver All-Star Panel Webinar," production on verge of all out collapse           

                                -and just wait until year-end reserve revisions, if silver near $17/oz


Early polls show the "yesses" in the lead for 11/30  Swiss gold referendum

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_27.Oct.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:52pm EST






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