Dr. Joseph Salerno is one of the current leaders of Mises.org and the Austrian School of Economics. He's also a professor at the graduate school of my alma mater Pace University. We go through the current state of the economy both at home and abroad and what economic terror the Federal Reserve is exacting upon the citizens of the country. It's a good thing that we're optimists at heart. 

Direct download: Joe_Salerno_20.Jun.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:52pm EST

Charles Hugh Smith has written recently about the two Most Destructive Presidencies in U.S. History: George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama.

Powers once granted are almost impossible to take back.

After 13.5 years, there is more than enough evidence for reasonable people to conclude that the presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama are easily the most destructive in U.S. history.

When historians speak of failed presidencies or weak presidencies, they are typically referring to presidencies characterized by uneven leadership, petty corruption by self-serving cronies or in extreme cases such as the Nixon presidency, abuses of executive power.


But weak or failed presidencies are not destructive to the rule of law and the foundations of the nation. The failed president leaves office and the basic structure of the nation continues: the rule of law, the balance of powers and a free-market economy.

Direct download: Charles_Hugh_Smith_20.Jun.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:19pm EST

Turd Ferguson visited with us today. He's been watching the action in the precious metals markets with a keen eye. He noticed that silver blasted through a key trend line that if confirmed will mean a long term bull market ahead. It's not too hard to see, even to this untrainded eye. See what you think. 

Direct download: Turd_Ferguson_20.Jun.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36pm EST

Seth Peretzman of BorderlessHoldings.com sees this week's precious metals breakout as just the beginning. There's plenty more upside potential in store. It's even more obvious when in light of how well gold and silver are behaving the day after. If silver closes up today, it will mark the 10th straight up day! 

Seth's just gotten hold of 500 gold Amereican Eagles. He's giving great prices to FSN listeners in lots of 10 or more. Call him now at 855-604-6343 to find out more. 

Direct download: Seth_Peretzman_20.Jun.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:07pm EST

Yesterday was the biggest day for gold and silver all year long. And it wasn't just a one off event. This is the new normal. They tried to raid gold this morning and had it down to nearly 1306, but it's fighting back. Silver is positive so far and getting close to 21. Look for more of this in the weeks ahead. Precious metals will recapture the headlines and more momentum investors and the seasonal factors could push it higher for the remainder of the year. It's all about what's next!

Direct download: Whats_Next_20.Jun.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:31am EST






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