Tue, 22 April 2014
John and Monica Miller were on the show recently. They're writing a series of books about the coming banking implosion that's going to sweep the United States and the Globe. Bail-ins are the shape of things to come. You've seen it in Cyprus, Venezuela and Argentina. It's coming to the US, the EU and elsewhere. How do you prepare? What can you do about it? John and Monica left the US years ago and have answers to these questions and more.
Tue, 22 April 2014
George Matheis, former law enforcement officer and trainer was on discussing what the government has in store for BLM resister Cliven Bundy. George thinks they will issue a warrant for his arrest. There's a good possibility that BLM will refer the matter over to the DOJ who will move to hold Bundy in contempt of court. How many armed officers the government is willing to devote to this exercise is really the question. And are they willing to risk bloodshed in an election year? Attorney General Eric Holder has been involved in Waco and the Elian Gonzalez matter, so he's up for anything.
Tue, 22 April 2014
Wayne lives in Las Vegas. He lives and breaths Nevada politics. Something is very wrong. Something smells rotten in the Nevada desert. And Senator Harry Reid’s fingerprints are all over it. The government claims they haven’t paid grazing fees for 20 years. The result was a government assault on the ranch- including snipers with assault rifles, SUV’s, helicopters, airplanes and over 200 heavily armed troops. No matter whether you come down on the side of the government or the ranch family, all of us can agree this was excessive force. Wayne has some other insights that he brings to the table on this important chapter in American History.
Tue, 22 April 2014
Dr. Larry Kawa says that you that can tell that election season is near. Listen and you can hear the sounds of backpedaling and political double-talking at every corner. Everyone knows that the Democrats approved huge cuts to Medicare and its various programs in the name of its sacred cow, Obamacare. Let's see what happens next.