After years of such wonderful results in the US, the ECB is ready to go all in on QE for Europe. Seems that they just can't take a strong Euro any longer. That and cutting interests rates to Zero and perhaps they can tank the Euro without really trying. And we thought that failure was an orphan.

Direct download: John__Rubino_14.Apr.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:26pm EDT

Ann Marie Murrell of Politichick.TV fills us in on what's going on in California. While liberalism continues to run amuck, Hollywood as the epicenter of the film industry continues its decline. We turned to the confrontation that took place outside of Las Vegas, where the Bureau of Land Management sought to shutdown a family ranch that had been in operation since 1870. Just when it appeared that all Hell was about to break loose, cooler heads prevailed and the BLM backed off, for now.

Direct download: Ann_Marie_Murrell_14.Apr.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:03pm EDT

Mondays with Andrew Hoffman:

  • The Ukraine going from bad to worse;
  • First week after sales tax hike in Japan sales down 25%;
  • What if anything has been successful about Abenomics;
  • ECB 1.4 trillion QE coming;
  • Draghi says loosening of monetary policy coming soon;
  • In US 20 percent food price increase affecting fake PPI numbers;
  • FOMC minutes proved ending fake ZIRP was false;
  • HFT and Flash Boys discussion;
  • Gold physicla demand keeps going up-wonder why.
Direct download: Andrew_Hoffman_14.Apr.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:42pm EDT

Russian foreign policy always seems to be focused on a goal and centered around a strategy. American foreign policy has been chasing its tail for so long that no one can remember what it is trying to accomplish. Add to that seemingly endless pointless wars and no wonder why most of the population seems to return to isolationism.

Direct download: Ivan_Eland_14.Apr.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:10pm EDT






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