Wed, 9 April 2014
David Barnett is a long term listener to FSN. He's also an expert at local investing. He agrees with Charles Hugh Smith that local investing is the way to go and he's got a number of unique strategies on how to get it done. From leasing cars to your friends/neighbors, to providing local businesses with equipment financing, David knows how to help his community and earn big returns in the process..
Wed, 9 April 2014
Professor Laurence Kotlikoff sees more and larger deficits ahead. Even though the Fed is ending Quantitative Easing and pulling the punch bowl away, there's no desire on the part of the administration or congress to get their act together. Thus, the situation will continue to deteriorate until a real disaster occurs.
Wed, 9 April 2014
Sandy Botkin, noted CPA and attorney joined us for a discussion of the right way to send your child to college. Rather than taking on a mountain of debt, you can get your child a first rate education and still have cash left in the bank. The key is figuring out what your child wants/needs to get out of their higher education and then planning the most cost-effective means of achieving it. That might mean community college for 2 years or it could require attending a fine state school and saving a fortune. The key is not to get taken in by fancy college brands.
Wed, 9 April 2014
J.B. Glossinger a/k/a The Morning Coach, is an internationally known speaker, author, coach and consultant. His goal is to help people manifest what they want in their business, organizational and personal lives. He is a master of human potential and development, helping individuals and organizations learn how to break through to the next level. J.B. enthusiastically shares what he has learned from his personal transformations, his corporate and personal experiences, and his MBA and Ph.D. background. He offers a unique perspective, bringing pragmatic approaches to a new and evolving world. His ideas are interesting and fresh, combining the wisdom of the ages with modern science. From selling jumbo jets to starting his own successful companies, J.B. is very familiar with the corporate world. His firms include the Alive Foundation, Inc., ( — which launched, the world’s largest real-time personal-development resource on the Web—and, the world’s first kaizen business-improvement system.