Danielle Park believes Fed Chair Janet Yellen when she claims that QE is coming to an end and interest rates will be raised. Does this mean that the Fed will no longer finance the US budget deficit? Danielle says yes. If true, this would be a sea change. The Congress would have to change its evil ways and actually balance the budget. Few can see that day coming, but Danielle believes it will soon be here. 

Direct download: Danielle_Parks_25.Mar.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:48pm EST

Doug Casey is no lover of government. He believes that they are run by power-crazed sociopaths who like to mess with their citizens' heads. As they get more entrenched, the problem gets worse, until you have the situation that the United States now finds itself in. The potential for a major war can be seen in numerous places around the world. As a collapse gets closer, government always seeks to find someone else to blame and that makes a major war more likely. Doug is not feeling optimistic these days. 

Direct download: Doug_Casey_25.Mar.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:13pm EST

Our sponsor Jason Hartman has done extremely well in real estate and has helped so many realize its benefits as well. While he's not what one would call a Gold Bug, he believes in owning the yellow metal for protection from a currency bust. He also sees owning real estate as protection from the inevitable inflationary pressures of the current monetary policies being pursued by the government and the Federal Reserve. Make sure you go to this link for a special offer. 

Direct download: Jason_Hartman_25.Mar.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:55pm EST

Gold is never far from Jeff Clark's heart or mind. He helps helps work his family’s placer claims in California, Nevada, and Arizona. Armed with this knowledge he's quite confident that gold and silver's big moves are yet to come, for a number of reasons. Chief among them, reckless monetary policy by the world's central banks and the endless appetite for precious metals by China and other Asian countries. 

Direct download: Jeff_Clark_25.Mar.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:22pm EST

We were very fortunate to catch up with our old friend David Morgan of the Morgan Report. As always, he's on top of and ahead of the market. David says, "The white metals lead the yellow metal." In this case it's palladium leading the rest of the PM's. And guess where virtually all of the world's palladium is produced? Answer-Russia. This metal is used in catalytic converters to eliminate smog as well as oil refineries to crack oil. One of those little known resources that man would have a hard time replacing. A great interview that you don't want to miss. 

Direct download: David_Morgan_24.Mar.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:02am EST






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