David Gurwitz says that when it comes to investing in stocks, gold, silver or anything else, the most important thing is to catch the cycle right. Right now he's concerned about the hundred year war cycle. The second decade of every new century has always seen a major world war, going back hundreds of years. He expects this one to be no different. Perhaps he's right, in which case you need to be prepared. 

Direct download: David_Gurwitz_18.Mar.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:59pm EDT

Max Yemets emigrated from the Ukraine at a young. But he kept a large group of contacts among his former country men over the years. Therefore, he's able to give us a good picture of what's actually go on there now. Things are not what they appear to be according to the Russian Press. The people rejected the Russian puppet and deposed him. Putin could not accept their judgment and sprung into action. The US watched from the sidelines and now has no idea what to do. Putin holds all the cards and the world will come to regret its inaction. 

Direct download: Max_Yemets_18.Mar.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:32pm EDT

Jeff Wilson started buying distressed property at 17 when he was a high school senior during recess. That's when he attended his first sheriff's auction. He was hooked! Now he gives common sense tips on how to curb your spending and re-accumulate wealth during this period of economic depressed activity. There's so many places where one can curb spending. It just requires a little discipline and common sense. 

Direct download: Jeff_Wilson_18.Mar14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:31pm EDT






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