Thu, 6 March 2014 presents John Rubino of joined us for an interesting discussion of nextgen warfare. We're seeing some of it take place right now in the Ukraine. Russia has threatened to undermine the dollar and dump dollar assets if the US takes any action against it's Crimean moves. We've also seen a number of cyber acts, from interference with the Ukraine's communication grid to potential mayhem with its electrical infrastructure. Is this what's next for modern warfare? For sure! Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 6 March 2014 presents Answer-nobody. It looks like the new group coming into power in the Ukraine is at least as bad as the old pro-Soviet group. They're potentially composed of ultra-nationalists, neo-nazis and all around bad guys. That's the problem with the old, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" strategy. You never really know who you're getting into bed with. We also talk about a myriad of other problems confronting the country as well. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 6 March 2014 presents Best ways to improve your credit score.
Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets