Wed, 30 October 2013 presents
Dennis Miller of is an expert in retirement planning and health insurance benefits. He's extremely concerned about the unintended consequences of Obamacare and what it could mean to your health. Did you know that if Medicare refuses to pay for a procedure, your doctor may not be able to legally perform it, even if you can afford to pay for it out of your pocket? That means that the best option may be traveling overseas for your surgery. There are many great health facilities in Panama, Thailand, Singapore and other places. You need to start planning now. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 30 October 2013 presents We got interview by several radio shows about our predictions for the meltdown of Seems like the country could finally be waking up to the reality of this monstrosity. If it works by November 30, 2013, we'll sure be surprised. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 30 October 2013 presents
Since writing his classic The Creature From Jekyll Island, G. Edward Griffin hasn't rested on his laurels. While freedom has been under constant assault, he's been busy building a movement. Through Freedom Force International, he hopes to take back power from the elites and allow freedom to again reign. He thinks it can be done relatively quickly and without much force. Is he fooling himself and his followers? Well let's wait and see what happens during the next 10 years. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 30 October 2013 presents
Abby Kohut is on a mission to help 1 million people across the nation get jobs. She believes that with the right combination of training, computer skills and focus, virtually anyone can landa job, even if this lousy economy. It's just a matter of following the new rules of the game. And Abby is an expert. As a recruiter, she was quick to recognize that the rules of the job market were changing. Now she's bringing that expertise to countless people across the country as she continues her bus tour in what she states, "... is the best year of my life." Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 30 October 2013 presents Dr. Philip Caper is a physician who believes that we need Medicare for all. Despite the epic fail of the ACA/Obamacare, he is still an ardent believer that only the government can give you the healthcare you need and deserve. He believes that the private health insurers are the ones messing up the system and making it impossible for so many to obtain coverage. He doesn't believe in the potential of the free market to exert its well known discipline and ability to provide the lowest cost services to the greatest possible number of people, as it has done in so many other areas. The choice is simple, let the government do it or trust that the free market can work here as it has elsewhere. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Direct download: Dr.Phillip_Caper_10-30-2013_RA_JH_PBL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:27am EDT