Thu, 24 October 2013 presents
When Delia Horwitz and Paula Vigneault wrote Collaboration Soup they had no idea how successful it was going to be. The days of the go it alone maverick seem to be gone. In today's complex society, the better we corroborate, the more we succeed. Steve Jobs is perhaps the best example of this. While his people skills were often looked down upon, he was able to get the best out of those who accepted his brash style and he succeeded beyond all expectations. Delia and Paula are masters at getting people to work together and bring out their best, especially yours truly. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Direct download: Delia_Horwitz_and_Paula_Vigneault_10-24-2013_JH_RA_PW.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:49pm EST
Thu, 24 October 2013 presents
Karen Simspon-Hankins is our resident mortgage expert. She recently hooked up with Academy Mortgage, the largest independent mortgage bank in the country. There are big changes coming to the mortgage market compliments of Dodd-Frank. It looks like the old 20 percent down payment will be coming back shortly. This means big changes and lower prices for the real estate market. Not many people are aware of the impending impact that will happen shortly after the first of the year, but you should be. It's going to be major. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Direct download: Karen_Simpson_Hankins_10-24-2013_RA_T.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:01pm EST
Thu, 24 October 2013 presents
The bankruptcy court is will hold a trial to determine whether Detroit's filing is legally permitted. According to FSN's legal handicappers, there's no contest here, Kevyn Orr will win this case hands down. Meanwhile, back at the ranch or the law office that now passes for the Dirty "D"'s city hall, they've cut out retiree health insurance payments and are now giving out $125 per month stipends with a suggestion that the recipient visit and purchase a nice new health insurance policy. Good luck with that one! Also, a giant I told you so about FSN's predictions about the Obamacare Meltdown! Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Direct download: Triple_Lutz_Report_315_10-24-2013_RA_T.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:19pm EST