Wed, 16 October 2013 presents Joni Carley's passion has now been directed towards helping the world evolve towards a higher functioning order where things just seem to go right instead of wrong. She believes that focusing on doing the right thing and on harmonious interactions with others will go a long way towards curing what's wrong with the country and the world. But it must start with each individual and from there society will begin to improve almost immediately. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 16 October 2013 presents Dara Feldman's life-long goal is to transform our schools and the systems that support them into environments that embrace the love of learning with the recognition of self-worth. She believes that the key to making education effective is to make it joyful and fun and to teach virtues. It may sound idealistic, but Dara has proven her ideas in the trenches, teaching in the public schools with great success. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 16 October 2013 presents
We discuss the crowd-out effect of government spending and why this will inevitably make you poorer. It's economic common sense and as usual a group of academics has now proven it. Then we move on to the continuing saga of the Obamacare fail. It keeps on getting better and better. The GOP may cave on the shutdown and debt limit debates, but when the truth of the Obamacare online marketplace failure becomes widely known, along with the millions of people who lose their employer provided coverage as well as the doubling and tripling of insurance premiums-for greatly increased deductibles and diminished coverage, there's going to be holy hell to pay. And the democrats are going to the be the ones that pay it. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
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