www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents

Michelle Riklan is an expert resume writer and a career consultant. She understands that the things that employers are looking for today have no resemblance to what they wanted just a few short years ago. You need to totally change your approach. The tools are free and readily available. The virtual National Career Summit will have at least 25 speakers and run for several days. If you're in the job market you'll definitely want to check this out. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Michelle_Riklan_10-15-2013_PW_RA_PBL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:56pm EDT

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents

Keving Drost of Owings Metals joined us again to discuss the horrible position that the US Government once again finds itself in. The country is heading down a very dangerous and precarious path and if nothing is done to reverse course, the country will lose its leadership position. It is inevitable that the dollar will shortly lose its reserve currency status as well. Therefore, purchasing gold and silver isn't an investment, it's an insurance policy that no one can afford to be without. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Kevin_Drost_10-15-2013_RA_T.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:05pm EDT

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents

Phil Valentine has been a well known beacon of freedom and conservative radio for many years. He took on Al Gore and the Global Warming crowd last year with his documentary An Consistent Truth, where he proved categorically that cardon dioxide is not making the world warmer. In fact, there has been no change in termperatures for at least the past decade and perhaps longer. Rather, this is an effort to help depopulate the earth. There are those who believe that man is a threat to the planet and our numbers must be reduced to save earth from human destruction.  

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Phil_Valentine_10-15-2013_RA_T.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT






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