Wed, 9 October 2013 presents has been a complete clusterf--k. The sites as of yesterday have been an epic fail. Now they're starting to work, but the reality of the high premiums and low subsidies will start to hit home for millions who were duped and bought in to the hollow promises. As one ardent socialist said, "I knew Obamacare was going to cost money, but I didn't think I was personally going to have to pay for it." Ain't collectivism a beautiful thing. Everyone can have whatever they want and no one has to pay for it. It worked so well in the former Soviet Union and it's going to work equally well in the USSA. Buckle your seatbelts and hold on to your wallets, it's going to be one hell of a ride. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 9 October 2013 presents Mike Maloney joined us on FSN and it was one of the highlights of my brief radio career. I've followed his work very closely and he is one of the powerhouses in the sound money camp. He's prolific and his site is must reading. He believes we're getting ever closer to the inevitable monetary realignment that takes place every 40 years or so. He believes that hyper-inflation is inevitable, especially when all those dollars overseas attempt to find their way home. But you can prepare for it now. Just start buying gold and silver now. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 9 October 2013 presents Michelle Seiler-Tucker had a nice comfortable job with Xerox complete with bebefits and security. But the entrepreneurial spirit was burning deep inside her. Now she's selling businesses and she's never looked back. Thousands of people looking to buy businesses look to Michelle to help them find the right opportunity. She actually helps people sell their businesses for more than they're worth. She has a proven formula and a team of professionals to help back her up. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Direct download: Michelle_Seiler-Tucker_10-9-2013_PBL_RA.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:54pm EST
Wed, 9 October 2013 presents
We caught up with Jeffrey Christian today. He's irked by the shutdown, but is particularly concerned about the potential US default. He believes that it will throw the country into an instant recession and it will have world wide reprecussions. He's pleased about the choice of Jane Yellen for Fed Chief. He's expecting gold to take another hit and go below $1300 and then recover and probably increase into December. He's convinced we will see another worldwide economic crisis because there have been no economic reforms since the 2008 economic collapse. The global debt bubble has only gotten worse and there haven't been any serious efforts to address the problem. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets