Wed, 24 July 2013 presents
Since Wayne Allyn Root started speaking out he's been subjected to IRS audits and harrassment. But that hasn't stopped him from getting his message out. The US middle class now ranks number 27 against the world. Something is very wrong. It seems as if there's a campaign to create a two class society. Who would benefit from such a world? It seems un-American. But here we are in a nation where 50 million Americans get food stamps and many millions more get medicaid and medicare. And the country is broke. Where is the future heading? Wayne has seen it and he doesn't like it and he wants you to help change things. It's time to take action. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 24 July 2013 presents
Noted constitutional scholar Carl Jarvis joined us again to talk discuss the Liberty Mastermind Symposium and where the future of the Constitution is heading. What's been happening to our republic is quite sad and whether it can be turned around and saved is very much in doubt. Carl is in the process now of writing another book. Listen and learn. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 24 July 2013 presents
Open the door to one of life's greatest little secrets—that your point of power is in EVERY choice. Just 2 Choices shows how to transform your everyday, ORDINARY choices into EXTRAORDINARY choices every day—so you can live that EXTRAORDINARY life that you desire... choice by choice by choice. Just 2 Choices is a guidebook for everyone—a blueprint for understanding the power of every choice and a roadmap to manifesting the great life that you desire! Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 24 July 2013 presents For over 15 years, Sandra has been exploring the truth about life, death, grief, and what might lie beyond. Her deepest desire now is to empower you with the information she has gleaned, and to give you tools and resources to help you find the path back to your own aliveness. She wants to share with you what she's learned about the reality of life after death, and that — she's convinced — there’s nothing to be afraid of. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 24 July 2013 presents Former disgraced congressman Anthony Wiener's star-crossed run for New York City Mayor has turned into a bad joke. But there's much more to it than that. The candidates being run by the democrat party are a complete joke. The republican party's candidate, Joe Lhota is a serious guy who had little chance of grabbing the brass ring. Enter Anthony Wiener. He upended the democratic field throwing it into chaos, becoming the putative front runner overnight. New York's newspapers were only too happy to cooperate. Now the second sexting scandal has broken and the Lhota campaign is sitting pretty. Come November, guess who's going to be the beneficiary of this insane situation? Joe Lhota! Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets