www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents

Jag TV believes there's a huge untapped niche of libertarians who want constant content about freedom. They think that Fox and the mainstream have totally missed the boat and they planning a heavy roll out in the near future. We think they're on to something and the people running the show are incredibly smart and talented. We wish Stephen and his crew all the best. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Jagtv_Stephen_Gordon_FF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:25pm EST

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents

We spoke with Larry Pratt head of Gun Owners of America as to why the Second Amendment is so important. For one thing it was number on the list. Next, it was intended to protect Americans from their government and of course, the right to keep and bear arms was never about hunting, unless they meant hunting policians. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Larry_Pratt_gun_owners_of_America_FF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:22pm EST

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents

Well gold seems to be coming back from its deep sleep. After three back to back double digit gains we get word from the Fed that Uncle Ben is throwing in the towel. He thinks the Fed will need to keep buying bonds into the foreseeable future, so much for the much anticipated tapering. Which brings to mind that old adage, how can you tell when a Fed Chairman is lying, his lips are moving. A little Walmart story thrown in for good measure and some more Obamacare tripe. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: TLR_280_RA_AD.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:05am EST






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