Mon, 24 June 2013 presents
Anna Manayan as an integrative/alternative medical practitioner, has traveled extensively around the world to seek answers and learn and develop innovative techniques to get to the root of immune and metabolic issues. She has a chain of clinics and patients come to see her from all over the globe. Her specialty is the treatment of the most challenging cases of chronic fatigue, immune pathologies, Lyme disease, chronic viral and very metabolically challenged patients whose brain chemistry and digestive states are so poor that their doctors cannot give them anything without them reacting. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 24 June 2013 presents
Charles Hugh Smith and I discussed the increasing knowledge gap in America. If you aren't in a position to make connecitons and network with people who can help you get ahead, then you must increase you skill set. In previous eras you could only acquire those skills in college. Now, however, you can find them on the internet in numerous places. In fact, a college degree could be completely worthless, whereas an online course could be your ticket to great success. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 24 June 2013 presents
The best laid plans of mice and FSN often lead astray. We survived major moving blunders and computer failures but the show must go on. The first Israeli-Russian Mafia moving company didn't show. We opted for uHaul and a couple of illegal aliens who got lost and showed up 1.5 hours late. But they got the job done. Then our long trusted Mac computer died and we found ourselves waiting on line at the South Beach Apple Store at 9pm Sunday. Our backup failed to restore. But we still talked about the wefare state and more. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets