Thu, 13 June 2013 presents Last year, $34 billion worth of vacation time was forfeited, but vacations reduce stress, increase happiness, help reconnect with loved ones and balance life. This time of year, you’re either going on vacation or feeling bad because you can’t afford to take one. Rami Lazarescu says everyone should use their vacation - whether they can afford a trip or not – to invest in happiness. In fact, memorable experiences contribute more to our happiness than our money or ‘stuff.’ We here at the Financial Survival Network couldn't agree more. Do what you have to do, but make sure you take a meaningful break regularly. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 13 June 2013 presents From an old engineer's standpoint, Japan's QE actions have set the world's economies reeling. Currency wars are going off the charts and developing economies are taking it on the chin. The sanctity of brands have been eroding as well. Try counting your bathroom tissue or check out the bottom of the jar being hollowed out. There's no hope of righting the system. The rule of law continues to erode and the elites are running rough-shod over all of us. The security surveillance complex is out to get us all. Be on the look out for even more scandals and a further undermining of the global power structure. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 13 June 2013 presents Jon C. Frank returns to the Financial Survival Network to discuss the pros and mostly cons of GMO foods. Monsanto, the leading proponent of these so-call Frankenfoods has won some major court victories lately, but they've been getting killed in the court of public opinion. More and more countries are banning them outright and there's a huge growing backlash in the United States as well. It seems like public acceptance of genetically engineered food is sinking like a stone. Hopefully the debate will be resolved shortly and we can go back to a nutritionally healthy food supply. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 13 June 2013
Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets Ivan Eland is a defense analyst and author. He is a Senior Fellow and Director of the Center on Peace and Liberty at the Independent Institute. He also has served as Evaluator-in-Charge (national security and intelligence) for the U.S. General Accounting Office. He testified on the creation of the dreaded Department of Homeland Security before the Senate Judiciary Committee. His writings generally propose libertarian and non-interventionist policies. He's a welcome addition to the Financial Survival Network and will provide you with some insight into what's going on around the world today. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets