Wed, 1 May 2013 presents We caught up with Charles Hugh Smith today, which is always fun. Here's his latest take on things. To survive, the Status Quo must maintain the same output: the stock market must be held aloft at current levels, entitlements must be paid, the National Security State must either expand or maintain its current global reach, and so on. Same with debt levels. if you really want to get the scoop check out this link. What's hidden from view is the rising input costs to maintain this illusion of stability. Consider the Federal Reserve's campaign to elevate the housing and stock markets. First the Fed need only threaten to buy mortgages and Treasury bonds to trigger a market rally. But soon this is not enough to keep the market aloft, so the Fed unleashes a campaign of quantitative easing (QE1) with an eventual end date. This pushes the market higher, but once the artificial stimulus ends, the market feels gravity once again and rolls over. To maintain the necessary output--a rising stock market--the Fed must increase each dose and never stop. There is no exit plan. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets of QE.
Wed, 1 May 2013 presents Whether at work, at school or in relationships, millions of people are dissatisfied because they lack the know-how to get their own way. "People expert” Gerry Shaltz is a sought-after speaker and consultant who has changed the lives of people nationwide by giving them the tools they need to succeed. It's really a simple matter, learn the skills as Gerry teaches them and you're success is virtually assured. So listen on and find your way.
Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 1 May 2013 presents Don Harrold of joined us. He discards the hype that there's a shortage of silver. It's a story he's heard over and over since the precious metals market bull market started. Don thinks that inflation is inevitable due to the increasing money supply and expanded welfare benefits. The collapse has already happened and people just haven't woken up to it yet. People who were "homeowners" are now living in tent cities. More and more people are now wards of the state with no end in site. So it's time to live like George Carlin, so sit back and enjoy. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets