Mon, 28 January 2013 presents When it comes to watching the financial system, Andy Hoffman has been there and done that. A Wall Street veteran, he fled the Street for more golden pastures. Now he makes his living helping people to protect themselves against the coming global economic collapse. Ranting Andy is convinced it's coming, and if you listen to him, you will be too. In the final analysis, unless you have an oil tank farm in your back yard, you should be acquiring gold and silver at their current discounted prices. And if Jim Sinclair is correct, in March he'll be getting a golden birthday present. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 28 January 2013 presents Kris Miller is a retirement expert. She helps people retire early, which is always a good thing. The monetary system may very well collapse in the next few years. No one can predict the future. However, what happens if it doesn't? You need to be prepared for anything and that's what Kris helps you do so well. She's very accessible and her book is number one in Amazon's financial planning category. Having spoken with her several times, we're confident that she knows her stuff. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 28 January 2013 presents
A new guest on FSN, Kevin Gosztola is a first rate reporter. He's particularly disturbed by the Adam Swartz case. Swartz, the co-founder of Reddit, simply appropriated a J-Stor list feed from MIT and made it public. No private information was ever disclosed, no one was injured and there was no harm done, period. But that didn't stop the US Attorney, for the People's Republic of Massachusetts, from criminally charging him and threatening him with a long period of incarceration in order to exact a plea. The unstable Swartz committed suicide, denying the state its opportunity to lock him up. Sad indeed, but all to frequent in this world. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 28 January 2013 presents People who've been responsibly saving for their retirement are faced with a terrible dilemna. The yields on money market accounts, bank cd's and debt instruments are in the gutter. However, there are options. Finding high quality dividend paying stocks can be a life saver. Some of these securities pay over 8 percent per year. You have to be careful and not allow yourself to be unduly swayed just because there's a big yield. However, it's a great place to start that can pay high dividends in your golden years. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 28 January 2013 presents Laurence Kotlikoff put in a special return interview . He's not expecting any great reforms from the current debt limit debate. Rather, it will be more of the same. It's as if you sent a cancer patient to the hospital for treatment and all they got was a manicure. When it comes to the national debt debacle, there's a complete lack of seriousness in coming up with workable solutions. Instead it devolves into a partisan game of Gotcha. In the end, we're all the poorer and we're the losers, as the congress heads off into its recess and scoop up large sums of cash from companies seeking undue advantage. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets