Wed, 16 January 2013 presents If you're an entrepreneur and you're starting a business, you're going to plan for success. But you also need to plan for succession. That means thinking about your exit plan up front, rather than doing what most people do, which is worry about it later. This means you need to build an organization where you're not indispensable and where you've trained employees to take your place. If you've done this, you'll either be ready to sell out or to retire from the day to day operations. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 16 January 2013 presents Andy Tanner is all about educating people about their retirement alternatives. He believes that relying upon a 401(k) plan won't get you a comfortable retirement. Rather, you need to invest in precious metals and to acquire cash flow positive assets. That way you'll be getting a monthly income to pay your current expenses and you'll be able to minimize your need to tap into your investment principal. Remember, financial education is at a premium. You don't get enough when you're young and in school, and it's extremely hard to get it when you're raising a family and working on your career. The only advice is to not wait and start getting it now! Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 16 January 2013 presents How long will you live? Will you have enough funds set aside for a comfortable and long term retirement? If you're like most people, you can't really answer those questions. But that shouldn't stop you from trying. Coming to terms with your expected lifespan and understanding your future financial needs will enable you to take the necessary steps today, to insure that your retirment is fulfilling and that your material needs are taken care of. You'll either do it now, or it will be done for you later. The choice is yours. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 16 January 2013 presents Julian DW Phillips has been investing in the precious metals markets for over 4 decades. He's seen Bears and Bulls come and go. He believes we're in the midst of a major precious metals boom now, which will continue into the foreseeable future. However, this creates certain problems for ordinary investors. As governments around the globe go broke, and gold is re-monetized, there will be a scramble on to confiscate your gold. After all, how is the government going to pay the soldiers and the workers if paper money loses its value? The answer is with gold and they're going to have to get it from someplace and confiscation will be the means of doing so. Protect yourself now and you won't have to worry later. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 16 January 2013 presents Ned Schmidt is publisher of THE VALUE VIEW GOLD REPORT. We've been fans of his for years. He's a fellow Floridian who studies political and economic trends. He's extremely bullish on food and food stocks. He believes that ADM is the Microsoft of food producers. He sees unlimited growth potential for food producers, especially if they're involved with China food sales. Gold and silver are the final refuge for wealth protection. He believes that gold and silver will used for everyday transactions. In addition, the Chinese Renminbi is poised to greatly appreciate over the next decade. So start planning now. As Ned says, "Don't do nothing, do something now!" Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets