Wed, 12 September 2012
Martin Armstrong--Hotel US-You Can Check Out Anytime You Like But You Can Never--Part One 12.Sept.12 presents Martin Armstrong is an iconic investor who has called more market tops and bottoms than just about anyone else out there. He believes that hyperinflation will not occur in the US so long as there's a functioning bond market. He believes that the government will be forced to drastically cut spending and cut back benefits. Social security will be cut, along with all major government programs. The bond vigilantes won't have it any other way. This will lead to a lost decade, with price inflation starting in 2014 and a real collapse occurring after 2015. Whether his vision will come to pass remains to be seen. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Wed, 12 September 2012 presents Aroway Energy has been quietly assembling a nice group of properties in the Alberta Canada oil patch. Starting from near zero, they're producing 650 bpd, with expectations of going much higher. Aroway is the financing partner that's joint ventured with an exploration company to get properties producing. They've also got natural gas wells that have been shut-in until prices go higher. It's a unique strategy that promises larger returns for early investors. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Wed, 12 September 2012
Martin Armstrong--Hotel US-You Can Check Out Anytime You Like But You Can Never--Part One 12.Sept.12 presents Martin Armstrong is an iconic investor who has called more market tops and bottoms than just about anyone else out there. He believes that hyperinflation will not occur in the US so long as there's a functioning bond market. He believes that the government will be forced to drastically cut spending and cut back benefits. Social security will be cut, along with all major government programs. The bond vigilantes won't have it any other way. This will lead to a lost decade, with price inflation starting in 2014 and a real collapse occurring after 2015. Whether his vision will come to pass remains to be seen. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Direct download: Martin_Armstrong_09-12-2012_Part_Two.mp3
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