Thu, 23 August 2012 presents Bill Murphy is approaching a time that he often believed couldn't happen. The Global Elite Metals Cartel appears to be dying before our very eyes. And this can only mean one thing for precious metals prices, it's up, up and away. And we're seeing them take off right now. Bill has reason to believe that yet another major financial scandal will be breaking very shortly. And could this be the mother of them all? The masses around the globe have been nothing short of indifferent over Libor-gate. Will this one really be different? Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Thu, 23 August 2012 presents Brandon Raub served his country honorably in Afghanistan and Iraq as a Marine Engineer. Lately he's become incredibly disenchanted with the government and its policies. He's been making a number of Facebook posts that somehow led him to the authories' attention. And then it happened. The knock on the door came. In marched the Secret Service, the FBI and the local police. They took him away and tried to have him committed a local psychiatric hospital. Fortunately, this time justice prevailed and the Court set him free. And silver has crossed the $30 per ounce mark. So two great events in one day. It doesn't get much better than that. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Thu, 23 August 2012 presents It was time for Catching Up with Diana Zoppa. She has been The Daily Bell's point person for many years. She's helped interview hundreds of financial, philosophical and economic luminaries from around the world. And she's tough, I know from personal experience. She's currently visiting Nathaniel Brandon, former Ayn Rand beau and co-founder of the objectivist school of philosophical thought. Amazingly, some 55 years later, this book remains a bestseller and has never been out of print. This week she also interviewed famed Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano and renowned anarchist Doug Casey. That's a pretty intense workload. Which was a great place to start Catching Up. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Thu, 23 August 2012 presents First off congratulations to Alasdair. He is now the Director of Research at GoldMoney. Alasdair has been closely watching gold and silver's rather rapid ascent and he believes that it is indicative of the rapidly deteriorating financial system. He's hopeful that at some point the political elite will become aware of the potential disaster that their actions have cause and they will be forced to mend their evil ways. We only wish that we could believe it as well, but when was the last time you saw a politician do the right thing and put aside the interests of the global financial elite for the benefit of society as a whole? Not recently, that's for certain. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.