Wed, 22 August 2012
Gerald Celente--Gerald Celente--How Much Lower Can America Sink-And What You Need To Do Part 2-- 22.Aug.12 presents Gerald Celente, world known, well respected trend forecaster made his debut on FSN. World War Three could break out at any moment, but even if it doesn't you still need to prepare. Get into shape, buy healthy foods, stop buying at chain stores and support the shopkeepers of America. Start detaching from the false economy and the false political system, while you still have time. Gerald may not be perfect when it comes to exact timing, although he predicted the Crash of 1987 with amazing precision, but he knows that the Country has been lead down a dead end road and that the only way to come back from this awful fate is to to become aware and to prepare. Gerald's knowledge of history and his amazing ability to apply its lessons to today's world is extremely worthy of your consideration. Gerald will be coming back to FSN again and again, as we're both fellow New Yorkers. And as Gerald says, now is not the time to be running away, stay and fight for what you believe in. Taking up arms isn't the way to go, refusing to be controlled and living your own life are what's important. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Wed, 22 August 2012 presents Great news! We checked in with our close friend Peter Grandich and his constant stream of negative email has stopped, we hope permanently. Gold is a hated investment. It's like going to a Chevy dealer and expecting him to sell you a Ford. Same with expecting investment professionals who want to sell you paper, not physical metal. And these so-called experts ignored that the metals markets were making higher lows, which is extremely bullish. That's why Peter and I have remained bullish against such overwhelming negativity. An understanding of market history is very helpful and it is your key to understanding that the media is always wrong about gold and silver. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Wed, 22 August 2012 presents There's no better authority on China than Dan Collins of the China Money Report. He settled in Shanghai during college and hasn't left. lending rates are currently at 9 percent and inflation appears to be diminishing. But that has come at a cost, much lower growth. And if Europe continues its implosion and the US goes back into recession, then China will no doubt be affected. But the Chinese has been accumulating gold for the past several years. And their silver purchases are picking up too. The world is waking up now and the fiat currency scheme will soon be gone. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Wed, 22 August 2012 presents Brandon Smith has been running one of our go to sites for quite a while He's well schooled in Austrian Economics and like yours truly, his mission is to get the word out to you. He believes that the long awaited currency crash is coming straight at us and will arrive shortly. And he believes that the IMF will be coming to the rescue, at the expense and perhaps demise of the US Dollar. This will present many awful challenges for the average American who has given this scenario little or no thought. It will be an extraordinary period of challenges, where the common man's standard of living greatly diminishes. But fortunately there are things that you can do to avoid being a victim. The question is, do you have the guts to do them? Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Wed, 22 August 2012 presents We've long been a fan of Adam Hamilton's writing. He's been writing for years for Kitco and his work and research is top notch. And while he's been a bit off the mark about commodities and resource stocks for the past year, with what's going on now in the markets, for those who stayed in them, it won't make much difference. As the father of young children, Adam is determined to protect their world and believes that the only possible way to insure their generation is through gold and silver. And while he's not going out on a limb as far as timing is concerned, he really doesn't have to, as the precious metals markets seem to be taking care of him quite nicely right now. Find him at Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Wed, 22 August 2012 presents Gerald Celente, world known, well respected trend forecaster made his debut on FSN. World War Three could break out at any moment, but even if it doesn't you still need to prepare. Get into shape, buy healthy foods, stop buying at chain stores and support the shopkeepers of America. Start detaching from the false economy and the false political system, while you still have time. Gerald may not be perfect when it comes to exact timing, although he predicted the Crash of 1987 with amazing precision, but he knows that the Country has been lead down a dead end road and that the only way to come back from this awful fate is to to become aware and to prepare. Gerald's knowledge of history and his amazing ability to apply its lessons to today's world is extremely worthy of your consideration. Gerald will be coming back to FSN again and again, as we're both fellow New Yorkers. And as Gerald says, now is not the time to be running away, stay and fight for what you believe in. Taking up arms isn't the way to go, refusing to be controlled and living your own life are what's important. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.