Wed, 15 August 2012 presents Jeffrey A. Tucker was with us today to discuss a problem that all regular air travelers must confront, the TSA. There is no other governmental interaction that is quite so dehumanizing and aggravating. While most of us agree on the need for airport and aircraft security, there is a debate on the proper methods for assuring safety. Government service seems to bring out the worst in people and the TSA is no exception. And many people question whether they provide real security or simply security theater. And who's ever in charge of staff scheduling really doesn't have a clue. Often there's too many workers during slow periods and not enough during high more active times. Jeff believes that the TSA and the government could learn a lot from the way Tiffany's Jewelry Stores provide seemless, professional and friendly security at their many locations around the world. He may just have a point. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Wed, 15 August 2012 presents Gary Gibson, our old friend has joined a new site. He's working with another friend, Jeff Berwick of This is an ideal match. They're both practicing anarchists who have an inate distrust of all things government. And who can blame them? The way things are starting to disintegrate around the globe, the latest phase of the global economic cataclysm is starting to pick up speed. And Gary's planning to stay out of the US for the indefinite future, if at all possible. We wish him well in his new work arrangment and we expect to hear Gary unplugged, with no external limits on his writing and other works. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.