Tue, 17 July 2012
www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents Mickey Fulp, The Mercenary Geologist, and I got together for an energy discussion. There's so much going on in this once conservative moribund industry. The innovations of hydro-fracking and enhanced recovery are leading to an energy self-sufficient America, only 40 years after Nixon's pledge. Right now, the US domestically produces 55 percent of its energy needs. It's miraculous that an industry faced with hostile government agencies, green subsidies and general public antipathy towards petroleum exploration and development. Many people believe that the industry has deliberately stifled high mileage vehicles and auto technology, and this could very well be true. However, America's retaking of energy production leadership is something that no talking head or so-called energy expert ever predicted. All that is necessary to ride this wave to making America great again is political leadership and a commitment to fast-tracking energy infrastructure projects. Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Tue, 17 July 2012
www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents Wayne Allyn Root, former Libertarian VP candidate, renowned Las Vegas odds maker, successful businessman, SOB (son of a butcher), and fellow Westchesterite and I met up in person Freedom Fest in Las Vegas. While he's not head-over-heals in love with Romney (who is?), he still believes that the choice is between business and anti-business, and that's why he's favoring Romney. Business without risk, is like religion without Hell. If the government removes all possible risks from your life, will you be a better person or a lazier one? Wayne believes that risk taking is in the American DNA, and it's a prime reason for our country's success. This is why Wayne never misses a Freedom Fest. Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Tue, 17 July 2012
www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents We met up with Gary Johnson, former governor of New Mexico and present Libertarian candidate for President. Gary was a former governor of New Mexico. During his two terms in office, of an overwhelmingly Democrat state, he vetoed 750 bills and exercised thousands of line item vetos. He was so effective that his opposition referred to him as Governor Veto. He ran for the Republican nomination this year, but he was kept out of the early debates by CNN and CNBC rules, which were created to keep out minor candidates. As a result, he never attained the status of serious candidate as far as the Main Stream Media was concerned. While his odds of winning the nomination are virtually non-existent, his message is compelling, and he has provided a road map for other fiscally sane candidates to shake things up. Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.