Darryl Schoon was way ahead of the curve when in March 2007 he wrote, How To Survive The Crisis And Prosper In The Process." This paper was prepared for a private club Darryl had joined, The Positive Deviant NetworkThe report turned out to be quite prophetic, and it helped launch Darryl's career as a major authority in the precious metals and financial survival investment world.

To quote Darryl, "Today, central bankers, the mandarins of capitalism, are in disarray. Their attempts to contain capitalism’s current crisis increasingly resemble the tactics of a defeated army in retreat. Like Napoleon and Hitler’s respective 'Moscow moments', the 21st century economic crisis has brought to an end the bankers’ spectacular 300 year run at the table of power and wealth."

Since 2007, Darryl has not changed his tune in the least bit. He believes the Buck Minster Fuller was spot on by predicting a transformational global economic collapse. Darryl also believes there will be a much better world once this has taken place. 

Please fill out the subscription box on KerryLutz.com to receive your free Financial Survival Toolkit.

Direct download: Darryl_Schoon_02-28-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:23pm EST

Byron King of Agora Financial is a geologist by trade, and he has actually been to the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR). Contrary to popular belief, the ANWR is a desolate place because very few tourists ever make it up there. So the price America is currently paying for NOT developing this extremely valuable resource is amazingly high. Without the added production from ANWR, the Alaska Pipeline may be close to closing, which would be an extreme loss to the nation and our energy security. While energy exploration and production always involves risks, they have been greatly reduced by better technology and risk management.

Byron explains that contrary to popular belief, there's very little risk to the environment from Hydraulic Fracking, or Hydro Fracking. The wells are thousands of feet below the water table and aquifers; therefore, it presents little risk of well water pollution. The uninformed, knee jerk opponents need to take a deep breath and understand the potential damage they are doing to America's ability to be energy self-sufficient. Old memes die hard, and the baby-boomers have painful memories of the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill and the Exxon Valdez's sinking. 

Please fill out the subscription box on KerryLutz.com to receive your free Financial Survival Toolkit.

Direct download: Byron_King_02-28-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:16pm EST

Over the weekend, I learned the NYC Board of Education released evaluations of every teacher in New York City. I found this extremely interesting, however, finding the list was nearly impossible. Alas I found it here, but I was dismayed to see the usability of the site's search engine is almost nonexistent. After spending several hours inputting common last names and random zip codes, I was shocked by the results I found. The top-rated teachers are easy to find, but finding people who are rated low is very nearly beyond the bounds of possibility. Check it out for yourself to see if you can find your child's teachers or schools, and please let us know what your thoughts are regarding these evaluations.

Please send your questions/comments to KL@KerryLutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.

Direct download: TLR_164.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:25pm EST






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