"Ranting" Andy Hoffman may not always be right, but he's never in doubt. Andy has been following the precious metals markets for too long to be fooled by the obvious hand of governmental sponsored manipulation. According to Andy, unbacked paper contracts are losing their affect on the physical metals prices. While it's been a long time coming, it's obvious now the market is getting away from the manipulators and is seeking its true free market value.

As we all know, markets can be manipulated in the short run. However in the long term, they will trade at their free market value. Unfortunately, every market the government meddles with results in malinvestment and irrational price movement and discovery. This is exactly what's happening in the mortgage, housing, and student loan markets as well as in the precious metals markets. Like all good things, however, it eventually comes to an end. So you should start thinking about picking up some silver eagles, maple leafs, 90% silver-pre 1965 coins, and whatever else suits your preference. But do it soon because the odds are the next big move is happening now. 

Please fill out the subscription box on KerryLutz.com to receive your free Financial Survival Toolkit.

Direct download: Ranting_Andy_02-27-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:59pm EST

SGTReport Interviews Kerry Lutz-The Matrix--02-27-2012

Yours truly is getting discovered by the alternative media. I sat down for several interviews last week. One of my favorite pro-freedom sites, www.SGTReport.com honored me with an in-depth discussion about freedom, how to reclaim and how to make people understand what is at risk. Sean is a master interviewer, who's videos have been viewed by millions. He understands exactly what's happening and is doing everything in his power to help people awaken.

It really comes down to a scene from The Matrix, will you take the red pill or the blue pill? The red pill will help you awaken to reality and the blue one is for the sheeple. As a major red pill proponent, we really don't have much choice. Freedom is just to important a matter to be left to the ruling elite. Look at the mess they've gotten us into now. There will only be more of the same, if we allow them to continue on. 

Please fill out the subscription box on KerryLutz.com to receive your free Financial Survival Toolkit.

Direct download: SGT_KHL_02-24-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:47am EST






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