Thu, 29 December 2011
We recently posted to the site, a site for thinking progressives. While many people view our current economic situation as one of right versus left, The Financial Survival Network has always viewed it as Man versus the State. It is not a question of government doing more, but rather an issue of government expansion. As the government grows and does more, it perpetually destroys the civil liberties that our nation was founded upon. These liberty infringements are perhaps the most disturbing aspect of our political system. While the parties espouse very noble doctrines, their actions belie their philosophy. The end result is quite clear, a totalitarian state where individual rights are subsumed by the State's drive for self-preservation and its insatiable need to expand. The defining issue of our time: should the rights and freedoms of the individual be paramount, or should they be subsumed by or within the state? To address this question, one must look at the manner in which all governments operate when depriving their citizens of their individual freedoms—the government always has a “noble” motive. Drugs, for instance, are illegalized; therefore, in order to prevent drug smuggling, the financial transactions of individuals must be strictly controlled and monitored. Consequently, if a computer tags you as a drug dealer and you're not, well that's just the price that must be paid to stamp out this invidious problem. The end result is as the government grows stronger, the individual becomes more enslaved. Please send your questions to or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Thu, 29 December 2011
Richard F. Miniter has an intriguing article in Richard believes the advent of the Kindle and the Nook will lead education back to its original methods, namely autodidacticism. In his article, A World Without Schoolteachers, Richard describes personal experiences and references a large body of evidence supporting the fact that home-schooled children routinely out perform their public school rivals in standardized testing as well as national spelling and geography bees. However, home-schooling isn't for everyone. If a parent is not available due to work demands, then who will supervise the student? We don't want to end up with the worst of all possible worlds, one where unsupervised home-schoolers are free to wreak havoc around town. Perhaps a combination of homeschooling and a reduced role of public schooling is what is needed since certain courses, especially math and science require classroom demonstrations and experiments. One thing is certain, distance learning over the internet is having and will continue to have a profound effect on education at all levels. Many top flight universities, such as Harvard and Stanford have published numerous courses on the internet for free. Please send your questions to or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.