When overtaxed and overburdened citizens finally reach their limit, they vote with their feet and their wallets. Roger Keats, a lifelong Illinois resident and local political figure, finally reached his limit. He and his wife, Tina, are moving to Texas, and their reasons are simple: no income tax, lower sales and real estate taxes, less corrupted government, and the list goes on. He's fed up with corrupt Illinois politics, where the last 5 out of 9 governors have been indicted for graft. He mentions that indicted public officials are so numerous that perhaps they should get fitted for their prison wardrobe upon swearing in.

The Illinois Keats describes is a total cesspit. Honest citizens and taxpayers have no means of escaping the excessive confiscatory taxation that perpetuates Illinois' corruption. The only feasible option is to move to another less corrupted state. And this trend is unmistakable in many other states, such as New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, California, Michigan, Ohio, etc. Until the corrupt governmental unions are weeded out and limited government makes a return, these states are all on the road to bankruptcy.

Please send your questions to kl@kerrylutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.

Direct download: Triple_lutz_Episode_136.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:19pm EDT






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