Dec 8, 2015
Thomas Conway is one of the most experienced mining
executives in the resource business. For years, he helped Newmont
Mining develop and operate some of their most profitable mines,
overseeing 1,600 employees in the process.
He’s now gone on to head up I-Minerals, a near-term cash flow
operator that will sell minerals used for nearly everything you can
see and touch, from your iPhone to the inside of your vehicle. His
company and story is quite intriguing, as they will sell their
production directly to end-use producers, which is much different
from the more popular minerals, like copper and silver, where
producers are essentially shackled with the spot price of those
Peter Schiff’s Euro Pacific Capital Research just put a 70-cent
price target on Thomas Conway’s company, I-Minerals (TSXV: IMA &
US: IMAHF), which currently trades for 32 cents Canadian.