Jun 6, 2018
Author Rick Richman's book Racing Against History is the story of three powerful personalities who sought to turn the tide of history, and the American Jewish community at the beginning of the most consequential decade in modern Jewish history.
In 1940, David Ben-Gurion, Vladimir Jabotinsky, and Chaim Weizmann—the leaders of the left, right, and center of Zionism—undertook missions to America, a country paralyzed by isolationism, to campaign for a Jewish army to fight Hitler.
Their efforts were at once heroic and tragic. The fast-paced, dramatic narrative is supported by extensive research, including previously unpublished letters, speeches, and diaries, shedding new light on both Zionism and the history of World War II. The Epilogue takes the story in 1948 and the establishment of the Jewish state.
The book aims to stimulate discussion about the evolving relationship between Israel and American Jews, as the Jewish State celebrates its 70th anniversary under the continuing threat of annihilation