Feb 16, 2012
John C. Dvorak has been using, living, and writing about tech for decades. He's seen many educational tech innovations come and go, and he doesn't believe there's anything that can resurrect the American Public Educational System. Dvorak believes technology can't replace a good teacher. He also believes the teachers' unions are too powerful and stand in the way of needed reforms. John was fortunate to home school two of his children, and while doing this involved a number of challenges, the results were as he expected, outstanding.
However, homeschooling is not for everyone. There's a large infrastructure in place to facilitate home-schooled kids, such as museum visits, sports outings and much more. According to Dvorak, one of the best advantages with home-schooling is it's nearly impossible for a child to fail a test. The reason is simple, the child's progress is closely monitored, and if they fall behind in a subject, it is recognized and remedial action is immediately taken. Home-schooling can be a perfect feedback loop. But, the child must be completely willing and receptive, and the parent must play their didactic role.
I believe we need to get rid of crumby teachers. It's easier to fire just about anybody other than a teacher. The union protects their right to incompetency with great vigor and resources. Tenure and mandatory unionization have to go.
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