Nov 5, 2021
Eminent Gold Launches Nevada Treasure Hunt with CEO Paul Sun and Chief Geologist Dan McCoy
We were joined by a new sponsor Eminent Gold Corporation. CEO Paul Sun, a mining engineer with extensive experience in capital markets is at the helm. Chief Geologist Dr. Dan McCoy has over 30 years of global mining experience. He headed up the teams at Keegan Resources and Cayden Resources, which led to the acquisition of both companies.
There’s 4 PhD’s pursuing Eminent’s exploration ambitions. The company has four projects, all of which show great potential. As far is which one is the most promising, McCoy likens it to picking your favorite child, a hard task at best. To date, sampling has taken place at Weepah and Gilbert South. Results have greatly exceeded expectations, with channel grades up to 60 g/t gold and 30g/t gold respectively. This has helped form a better understand the underlying geology and to further refine future drill targeting.
Eminent is not just another Johnny-Come-Lately Nevada gold explorer. Their projects are in close proximity to other large past and present producing mines. They’ve upped the game by looking for gold in places where others haven’t previously ventured. They’re using the latest technology to re-examine historic projects. In earlier times, when less effective methods were the only one’s available, miners pursued low-hanging high-grade fruit and ignored deposits that were not then economic.
Times have changed; Sun and McCoy believe they are on to the next great Nevada discovery(ies) and expect a steady stream of news and catalysts to follow shortly.
Company Website:
Ticker Symbols: OTCQB: EMGDF — TSX-V: EMNT
Prior company interview: Eminent Gold Corp: Four Nevada Lottery Tickets with CEO Paul Sun