Jan 14, 2012
We sat down with Andrew Schiff of EuroPacific Capital. Andrew and his brother Peter have built an alternative investment powerhouse. Together, they have written books and predicted much of the current worldwide economic depression. Andrew believes that around 30 percent of your portfolio should be held in cash, not the paper variety, but rather gold and silver. He's encouraging investors to protect themselves against the inevitable collapse of the dollar and fiat currencies around the globe.
In addition, he really likes foreign high yield dividend stocks. This gives you the ability to participate in a growing company that is sharing its profits with the owners/shareholders, partially insulates the stock against future market disruptions and allows you protection against a declining dollar. Of course nothing is surefire, but the dollar's downward trend since 1971 has been continuous and there's very little reason to believe that it won't continue. While the buck has shown some strength recently, this is in large part due to the Euro's weakness. Eventually Schiff believes the fundamental trend will reassert itself.
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