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Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network

Jan 5, 2015

Manipulation Mondays with Andrew Hoffman:

Andy's 2015 predictions, and how they relate to the current markets…


1.    Retail Armageddon –

2.    Return of the PIIGS –

3.    First signs of Yen Hyperinflation –

4.    Oil collapse contagion – 

5.    Mining industry paralysis 

6.    Falling commodity prices –

7.    Collapsing currencies –

8.     Revenge of the people.

9.     The Re-emergence of Real Money


Plus, this morning's utter collapse of interest rates and oil - and what it means regardnig the coming "Yellen Reversal."


And oh yeah, gold and silver surging - particularly in Europe and Switzerland where gold jumped above 1,000/oz and 1,200/oz respectively, this morning.