Apr 28, 2017
What's Happing Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman:
-Historically cheap PMs prices, amidst the "PiMBEEB-a-looza" of (PM bullish, everything-else-bearish) headlines;
-GDP plunge, government shutdown?, French election, debt ceiling, North Korea;
-gold STILL well above its 200 WMA;
-record Bitcoin prices - and Miles Franklin NOW ACCEPTING BITCOIN AS PAYMENT https://www.milesfranklin.com/miles-franklin-now-accepting-bitcoin-for-precious-metal-payment-online/;
- an "historically unsustainable https://www.milesfranklin.com/historic-unsustainability/ " environment, of "dotcom valuations in a Great Depression Era https://www.milesfranklin.com/audioblog-192-dotcom-valuations-and-sentiment-in-a-great-depression-era/"